Organizations Chosen for Funding in 2018
On November 1, 2018 eighteen organizations were selected for funding by the Foundation. The following organizations are being funding by Helen’s Hope Foundation:
Florida Organizations:
Chapman Partnership
Florida Keys Children’s Shelter
Lotus House – Sundari Foundation Inc.
Pennsylvania Organizations:
Chester Children’s Chorus
Pathways PA
Peter’s Place
Philadelphia Children’s Alliance
New York Organizations:
Astor Services
Bard College – Brothers at Bard
Cornelia Connelly Center
Henry Street Settlement
Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
REAL Skills Network
Student Leadership Network
The Reading Team
YMCA of Kingston and Ulster County
YWCA Ulster County – Girls Inc.
Once again, the Foundation was overwhelmed by the work being done by the many organizations that applied for funding. We thank all applicants and look forward to another grant cycle next year. Applications will be due August 1, 2019 and updates to the application will be available after June 1, 2019.
2018 Applications Now Being Accepted
Applications for 2018 funding are now being accepted. All applications are due by August 1, 2018 and must follow the guidelines on our Apply page. Please note that there have been changes made to our requirements in the cover page section as well as where to e-mail your application. Any questions can be directed to
Timeline for Grant Application CHANGED for 2018
The Foundation has decided to change their grant timeline. Going forward, grant applications will be due by August 1st and funding will be distributed by November 1st. Please look for updated application information by June 1st.
Additionally, the Foundation will no longer be accepting applications from organizations in NJ. Our ties to NJ have weakened, and the number of outstanding organizations we have become connected with in FL, NY and PA is so strong we can no longer support NJ organizations.
Funding Decisions for 2016
We are excited to announce our funding decisions for 2016. After careful review and consideration, the following organizations have been selected for funding in 2016.
Astor Services for Children & Families
Branches, Inc.
Chapman Partnership
Chester Children’s Chorus
Friends of the Children New York
Henry Street Settlement
Philadelphia Children’s Alliance
The Reading Team
YMCA of Greater NY
YMCA of Kingston and Ulster County
Young Women’s Leadership Network
YWCA Ulster County, Girls Incorporated of Ulster and Dutchess Counties
We thank all organizations that applied for this year’s funding. For future funding information, please look to our website by January 1st for updated policies on applying. Applications will due by April 1st, 2017.
Foundation Mailing Address
The Foundation’s mailing address has changed. All mail can be sent to:
Helen’s Hope Foundation
646 Clovelly Lane
Devon, PA 19333
Please note, all applications are requested electronically and most communication is preferred electronically unless requested otherwise.